About the Baker

Hi! I'm Becky, the artist behind Poppy and Crumb.

After going through two pregnancies during Covid, and leaving my healthcare job at the VA to stay home with my children full-time, I found myself struggling to remember who I was pre-kids. I needed a hobby! I had always been interested in decorating cookies and decided finally to try it out in November 2022. I fell in love instantly!

… and moved to California in 2014, where I worked as an audiologist in the VA. I relocated to Massachusetts with my family in Feb 2024, and are thrilled to be making this area our permanent home. Having family nearby has helped me switch from content creation to making Poppy and Crumb a business that serves the community. I am a permitted residential kitchen in the city of Plainville, MA. Thank you for your support!

I am originally from Rhode Island…

Photo by Archer Inspired Photography

“I am so happy you are here and can’t wait to get started on your custom cookies.”